Reasonable Special Considerations Policy

Purpose and Scope

To provide clear processes and procedures for candidates/apprentices with a need or consideration requiring an adjustment to their assessment.

This policy covers all aspects of teaching, learning, and assessment for Skills4Stem candidates/apprentices.

To achieve this Skills4Stem will:

Provide guidance to all candidates/apprentices on adjustments that can be applied for, when a need is recognised that may affect the fairness of the assessment.

Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Process

Appendix A provides guidance on the types of adjustments that can be applied for.

Where a recognised need is identified, an application for a reasonable adjustment or special considerations are completed and submitted to the IQA two weeks prior to the assessment being completed.

The IQA will then approve or decline the reasonable adjustment and inform those involved in the outcome.

Medical reports/ letters need to be submitted with the application to confirm the need.

Key Partner Responsibilities:

Candidate/apprentice: responsible for making those involved in the assessment aware of any specific requirements, completing the application and providing medical records/ letters.

Trainer: responsible for reviewing the medical records, supporting the Candidate/apprentice with their application, and ensuring the required adjustment is applied appropriately, once approved.

IQA: responsible for the approval of any adjustments through the awarding organisation and communicating approval and maintaining records.

Quality Manager: responsible for overall managing of the reasonable adjustments and special considerations policy.

Reasonable Adjustment Definition

Some candidates/apprentices may require extra support to allow them the best opportunity to achieve their qualification. This can be Candidate/apprentices with disabilities, learning difficulties or with English as a second language.

Examples of such support are:

  • Changing assessment arrangements.
  • Modifying assessment methods.
  • Helping during an assessment.
  • Adapting assessment materials.

All Cases will be considered on an individual basis.

Special Consideration Definition

Special consideration can be used if a candidate/apprentice encounters any adverse circumstances during their assessment or if they declare a temporary disability or illness prior to the assessment. The adjustment will be considered on an individual basis and will allow the candidate/apprentice the best possible chance to succeed.

Examples would be:

  • Serious or terminal injury.
  • Bereavement of a family member or close friend.
  • Domestic crisis.
  • Car Accident.
  • Major disturbance during the assessment.

Appendix A – Adjustments available

Note: Approval from the IQA is required.

  • Reasonable Adjustments requirements for awarding bodies.
  • Reasonable Adjustment.
  • Extra time up to 25%.
  • Extra time – more than 25%.
  • Supervised rest breaks.
  • Assessment to be taken at an alternative venue that has not been approved.
  • Separate areas for assessment in the centre.
  • Changes to assessment room/ layout.
  • Use of visual Aids – e.g. overlays, amplification equipment.
  • Assessment materials in large format/ Braille/coloured paper.
  • Assessment resources in British Sign Language (BSL).
  • Reader / Computer reader.
  • Use of any assistive software.
  • Use of translation dictionaries if ESOL Candidate/apprentice.
  • Assessment materials with language modifications.
  • Prompter.
  • Scribe.
  • Sign language Interpreter.
  • Candidate/apprentice responses in BSL.
  • Candidate/apprentice responses in Audio equipment.
  • Transcribes.
  • Use of ICT – word processor.
  • Practical Assistant.


Change to the organisation of assessment room – changes can be made to the layout of the room and seating arrangements – autistic candidate/apprentices may prefer the removal of the clock due to the ticking sound, candidate/apprentices with visual impairments may require lighter, and certain seats may be more comfortable for candidate/apprentices with physical impairments.

British Sign Language (BSL) – A BSL interpreter may be provided by the centre if available to assist deaf candidates/apprentices.

Reader – when required a reader will read to the Candidate/apprentice the assessment material. The

reader is selected carefully to avoid any conflicts of interest, in these cases where required, a separate invigilator will be required. The reader should read only the exact wording and only those parts the candidates/apprentice requests.

Scribe – is someone that writes down / type’s the words of the dictated responses. The scribe is selected carefully to avoid any conflicts of interest, in these cases where required, a separate invigilator will be required. The scribe should only write down the exact responses of the candidate/apprentice.

Readers and Scribers are appointed by the IQA and will be in addition to the invigilator at the time of


Prompt– a prompt can be used where a candidate/apprentice has a diagnosed attention problem and will draw the candidate/apprentice’s attention back to the task. The prompt is selected carefully to avoid any conflicts of interest, in these cases where required, a separate invigilator will be required.

Transcribe – can be used where the candidate/apprentice’s handwriting is illegible, or they cannot use ICT to record responses.

Written ByRevision DateRevision NumberApproved ByReview Date
Sarah GreenOct 20202
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image.jpeg
S Davis
Oct 2021
Darren Cass (Reviewed)Nov 20213
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image.jpeg

S Davis
Nov 2022
Paul Vernon (Reviewed)24th Feb 20224This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screenshot-2022-07-19-15.07.20.png

A Lewis
Feb 2023

Reasonable Adjustment Considerations Form

This form is completed by the candidate/apprentice where the need for a reasonable adjustment is identified. It is submitted to the IQA with a report from a medical professional confirming the condition associated with the adjustment.

Candidate/Apprentice Name:
Contact Number:Manager/Trainer:
Date of Birth:  Qualification Title:
Planned Assessment Date:  Location:

Please complete the sections below giving as much information as possible:

Exam/Assessment requiring adjustment:

Please select below the reasonable adjustments the candidate/apprentice feels is required:

Reasonable AdjustmentRequired (Please Tick)Provide additional detail of need
Enlarged format /Braille  
British Sign Language Translator  
Practical Assistant  
Supervised Break  
Other (please state)  

Please select below why the adjustments are required:

Learning Support NeedSelect Need (Please Tick)Provide additional detail of need
Specific learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia  
Medical health condition  
Visual impairment or partially sighted  
Mental health condition  
Sensory or physical impairment  
Motor difficulties  
Deafness or hearing impairment  
Other (please state  


Additional information required IQA Signature:
Application sent to awarding body 
Request approved