At Skills4Stem we recognise our duties under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and associated regulations. We will endeavour to meet the requirements of this legislation and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
Skills4Stem recognises the duty and so far, as is reasonably practicable;
● To ensure regular assessments of the hazards and risks are created in the course of our business.
● To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks identified.
● To consult our employees and candidates/apprentices on matters affecting their wellbeing.
● To ensure the safe handling and use of substances.
● To provide information, instruction, training where necessary to our workforce and apprentices.
● To ensure all workers and apprentices are competent to do their work and to give them appropriate training if needed.
● To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
● To maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
● To actively manage and supervise health and safety at work.
● To have access to competent advice.
● To annually review and revise, when necessary of this policy.
● To provide adequate recourse for its implementation.
● To provide the recourse to make this policy effective
To help achieve our objectives and ensure our employees and candidates/apprentices recognise their duties under health and safety legislation whilst at work. We also will inform them of their duty to take reasonable care of themselves and for others who might be affected by their activities.
This manual has been created to provide employees and candidates/apprentices with information that will enable them to understand the arrangements that Skills4Stem have made to comply with Health & Safety Law. This document also provides information about your duties as an employee or apprentice. Your responsibility is to read this manual and ensure you are familiar with the contents and any amendments that may occur from time to time.
This Health & Safety manual seeks to ensure that you are informed with all aspects of Health & Safety in the workplace which affects you whilst undertaking work/learning activities. During working hours, you may not always be in the same location. However, it is the employees and candidate/apprentices duty of care to familiarise themselves with the following Health & Safety arrangements and other documentation for work. These are to maintain the welfare of all individuals including yourself.
Unless exempt from certain provisions, Skills4Stem has to comply with the requirements to have a written statement of a Health & Safety General Policy for the protection of our employees, candidates/apprentices and others who may be affected by our activities. This statement forms the basis of the actions necessary to combat issues within the organisation.
You are required to cooperate with Skills4Stem and enable us to fulfil any duty or requirements to be performed or with which Skills4Stem must comply with. You are to take reasonable care for the Health & Safety of yourself and other employees and apprentices who may be affected by your actions or omissions whilst at work. You also have a duty not to interfere with or misuse equipment/resources that are provided to you with the scope of any relevant statutory provisions.
Skills4Stem have a responsibility and duty to ensure that:
● Employees and candidates/apprentices are aware and understanding of health and safety.
● Employees and candidates/apprentices are aware and understanding of the health and safety rules.
● Employees and candidates/apprentices are adequately instructed, trained and supervised.
● Employees and candidates/apprentices are made aware of hazards and risks associated within the working activities.
● Employees and candidates/apprentices are provided with safe products, substances and equipment.
● Employees and candidates/apprentices are provided with a safe method of work and an environment in which is safe and healthy to work.
The above duties and responsibilities are implemented through the use of the documentation outlined within this manual and through management carrying out period monitoring of the areas within their control. Health and safety Law lays down specific responsibilities on employees and apprentices to secure the health and safety of all staff whilst at work. The legislation also requires that employees and apprentices protect others who are not our employees and candidates/apprentices but may be affected by the companies activities. Health and safety legislation not only places general duties on Managers but also on employees and apprentices to look after their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by actions or omissions undertaken.
To ensure employees and apprentices are aware of the legal provisions and responsibilities, Skills4Stem have provided the relevant information regarding rules and procedures to protect employees and candidates/apprentices whilst at work and in learning.
Fire prevention
● Do not overload electrical sockets or tamper with plug fuses.
● Take care with portable heating appliances, do not leave these unattended.
● Observe the ‘no-smoking’ signs.
● Any building or maintenance work involving heat sources, e.g. welding, must be controlled by a ‘permit to work’ system.
● If smoke is discovered coming from underneath a door or where a door or handle is hot, do not open the door but sound the alarm and summon the fire brigade
As employees and candidates/apprentices work in different locations, employees and apprentices need to be aware of what to do if a fire is discovered. Fires and evacuations are serious matters. Therefore, fire drills are essential for the safety of all employees and apprentices (and visitors/contractors) of a workplace. Please note that the sign in/sign out book located in reception must be taken by the fire marshal if a fire drill does occur.
If you ever discover a fire, follow these steps:
● Remain calm.
● Sound the fire alarm and/or alert all occupants to evacuate.
● Alert the fire brigade by dialling 999.
● Leave the building immediately via the closest escape route. Never use the lift.
● Assemble with other individuals at the evacuation assembly point.
● Upon the arrival of the fire brigade, inform the firefighters of the situation
Evacuating the building
Upon being told to evacuate or hearing the fire alarm, follow these steps:
● Remain calm.
● Stop what you are doing, leave the building immediately via the closest escape route. Never use a lift during a fire.
● Walk briskly and never turn back.
● Never take any belongings with you.
● Always follow the Fire Warden’s instructions.
● Before opening any door, feel the door and door handle. Never open a warm door as there could potentially be a fire behind it..
● If the door is hot when you feel it then take another route. A window may be an option.
● If you encounter any smoke during your evacuation, drop to the floor and crawl.
● Close all doors behind you and all windows along the way as oxygen increases the strength of the fire.
● Assemble and remain at the evacuation assembly point. DO NOT return to the building until you are told by the fire brigade.
● Notify someone of any injuries you have sustained as soon as possible.
● Never cancel a fire alarm. Fire alarms should only be reset by those authorised to do so.
Stuck in the building
If for some reason you are unable to get out the building, follow these steps:
● Alert others of your presence – via a phone, standing at a window or opening the window and hanging a sheet to alert firefighters of your presence
● Keep a wet cloth over your mouth
● Stay as close to the ground as possible. Not only will you be able to see more clearer, there is more oxygen
● Keep the door closed to stop smoke getting into the room
● Block up the cracks around the doors, if possible, with wet cloths to stop smoke getting in
● If there is a lot of smoke, keep your hands against the wall to guide you if you need to move about
● If your clothes catch fire, immediately drop to the floor and roll around. This will help extinguish the flames
Reporting/Recording First Aid treatment
It is good practice to provide your first-aiders and appointed persons with a book in which to record incidents they attend. The information can help you identify accident trends and possible areas for improvement in the control of health and safety risks. It can be used for reference in future first aid needs assessments. The record book is not the same as the statutory accident book though the two might be combined. Employers, self-employed people and those in control of premises have a duty to report some accidents and incidents at work under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR). Further information is given at RIDDOR.
What information should be recorded?
Use the guidance of the accident/incident form given to you
● The date, time and place of the incident.
● The name and job of the injured or ill person.
● Details of the injury/illness and what first aid was given.
● Details about what happened to the person immediately afterwards (e.g. went back to work, went home, went to hospital).
● The name and signature of the first aider or the person dealing with the incident
Who should report?
The duty to notify and report rests with the ‘responsible person’. For incidents involving candidates/apprentices and work staff, this is normally the main employer at the work. The education pages on HSE’s website at provide information about who the employer is in different types of works. Some employers may have centrally coordinated reporting procedures. In others, reporting may be delegated to the management team. The health and safety policy should set out the responsibilities and arrangements for reporting in each employers premises.
Who do I report to?
For general advice about how to report, see HSE’s RIDDOR web pages. You can report all incidents online and there is a telephone service for reporting fatal and specified injuries only. Reporting details for out of hours web page at
What records must I keep?
● Any reportable death, specified injury, disease or dangerous occurrence that requires reporting under RIDDOR.
● All occupational injuries where a worker is away from work or incapacitated for more than three consecutive days. From 6th April 2012 you don’t have to report over-three-day injuries, but you must keep them on record. Employers can record these injuries in their accident book.
RIDDOR requires employers and others in control of premises to report certain accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences arising out of or in connection with work. This manual includes examples of the incidents that sometimes result in being reported to HSE under RIDDOR. This contain three sections which cover:
● Section 1: Injuries and ill health involving employees and apprentices.
● Section 2: Involving candidates/apprentices and other people not at work or in learning.
● Section 3: Dangerous occurrences.
Injuries and ill health to people at work
Under RIDDOR, the responsible person must report the following work-related accidents, including those caused by physical violence. If an employee is injured, wherever they are working:
● Accidents which result in death or a specified injury must be reported without delay
● Accidents which prevent the injured person from continuing their normal work for more than seven days (not including the day of the accident, but including weekends and other rest days) must be reported within 15 days of the accident
The responsible person must also report any case of a work-related disease, specified under RIDDOR, that affects an employee and that a doctor confirms in writing (see ‘Reportable diseases’). You can find detailed guidance about RIDDOR reporting and online reporting procedures at If you are in control of premises, you are also required to report any work-related deaths.
Reportable specified injuries
● Fractures, other than to fingers thumbs and toes.
● Amputations.
● Any injury likely to lead to permanent loss of sight or reduction in sight.
● Any crush injury to the head or torso causing damage to the brain or internal organs
● Serious burns (including scalding), which:
o Cover more than 10% of the body.
o Cause significant damage to the eyes, respiratory system or other vital organs.
● Any scalping requiring hospital treatment.
● Any loss of consciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia.
● Any other injury arising from working in an enclosed space which:
o Lead to hypothermia or heat-induced illness.
o Requires resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours
Physical Violence
Some acts of non-consensual physical violence to a person at work, which results in death, a specified injury or a person being incapacitated for over seven days are reportable. In the case of an over-seven-day injury, the incapacity must arise from a physical injury, not a psychological reaction to the act of violence. Examples of reportable injuries from violence include an incident where a teacher sustains a specified injury because a candidates/apprentice, colleague or member of the public assaults them while on the premises. This is reportable because it arises out of or in connection with work.
Reportable occupational diseases
Employees and candidates/apprentices must report occupational diseases when they receive a written diagnosis from a doctor that their employee has a reportable disease linked to occupational exposure.
These include:
● Carpel tunnel syndrome.
● Severe cramp of the hand or forearm.
● Occupational dermatitis, e.g. from work involving strong acids or alkalis, including domestic bleach.
● Hand-arm vibration syndrome.
● Occupational asthma, e.g. from wood dust and soldering using rosin flux.
● Tendonitis or tenosynovitis of the hand or forearm.
● Any occupational cancer.
● Any disease attributed to an occupational exposure to a biological agent.
Work-related stress and stress-related illnesses (including post-traumatic stress disorder) are not reportable under RIDDOR. To be reportable, an injury must have resulted from an ‘accident’ arising out of or in connection with work. In relation to RIDDOR, an accident is a discrete identifiable, unintended incident which causes physical injury. Stress-related conditions usually result from a prolonged period of pressure, often from many factors, not just a distinct event.
Incidents to candidates/apprentices and other people who are not at work
Injuries to employers, candidates/apprentices and visitors who are involved in an accident at work or on an activity organised by the work are only reportable under RIDDOR if the accident results in:
● The death of the person and arose out of or in connection with a work activity.
● An injury that arose out of or in connection with a work activity and the person is taken directly from the scene of the accident to hospital for treatment (examinations and diagnostic tests do not constitute treatment).
The lists of specified injuries and diseases described in Section 1 only appears to employees and apprentices. If a candidates/apprentice injured in an incident remains at work, is taken home or is simply absent from work for a number of days, the incident is not reportable.
Dangerous Occurrences
These are specified near miss events, which are only reportable if listed under RIDDOR. Reportable dangerous occurrences in works typically include:
● The collapse or failure of load bearing parts of lifts and lifting equipment.
● The accidental release of a biological agent likely to cause severe human illness.
● The accidental release or escape of any substance that may cause serious injury or damage to health.
● An electrical short circuit or overload causing a fire or explosion.
Supplementary information
Under the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 and the Health and Safety Regulations 1996, employers must make relevant health and safety documents available to safety representatives. This includes records kept under RIDDOR, expect where they reveal personal health information about individuals.
Reporting requirements of other regulators
There may be other reporting requirements placed on works by other regulators in the education sector. The requirements of these other regulators are separate to, and distinct from, the legal duty to report incidents under RIDDOR.
How to report under RIDDOR
Go to and complete the appropriate online report form. The form will then be submitted directly to the RIDDOR database. You will receive a copy for your records.
Risk assessments
Risk assessments are carried out in all of the areas in use at each location before any activities take place. These risk assessments are completed by a member of the senior management team. Assessments must be carried out by staff prior to any sessions to ensure there are no hazards. All hazards must be removed or reduced. Any amendments or updates to risk assessments should be sent to the Operations Manager.
Pointers to look out for when creating a risk assessment
● The significant hazards that employees and apprentices may be exposed to
● Who could be harmed and how?
● What is the likelihood that someone could be harmed by the hazard?
● How the hazards are controlled and whether action is required to deal with such hazards
Manual Handling
When lifting/ replacing any equipment it is important to follow the following points in order to reduce the risk of any possible injury.
Access the situation before attempting to lift goods
● Know where the load is going to be placed.
● Remove any obstructions.
● Ask for help if necessary.
Body position and stance
● Feet apart with one leg slightly in front of the other.
● Slight flexion of the hips and knees.
● Back straight throughout the lift.
● Do not twist – shoulders should remain facing same direction as hips throughout lift.
Grip and hold
● Ensure firm grip on the load.
● Hold load as close to body as possible.
● Keep load close to waist for as long as possible.
● Keep heaviest side of load close to body.
Storing equipment
● Ensure equipment is stored safely and correctly.
● Do not over-pack bags or shelves.
● Do not stand of any of the shelves.
Display Screen Equipment
All employees and candidates/apprentices should receive training on how to position their workstation in order to reduce risk of discomfort and possible pains and strains when using display screen equipment.
When working with display screen equipment:
● Upper arms should be vertical and forearms horizontal.
● There should be sufficient room to move your legs freely.
● Feet should be planted flat on the floor.
● Head, neck and back all straight.
● There should be sufficient space in front of keyboard to place hands and wrists.
● Height and backrest on chair, height of screen should be adjusted to maintain a good posture where you look straight ahead of view screen clearly.
● There should be sufficient lightening in the office areas and screen should be set at correct contrast, brightness and colour in order to avoid eye strain.
Timing and length of changes in activity or breaks for DSE use is not set down in law and arrangements will vary depending on a particular situation. Employers are not responsible for providing breaks for the self-employed.
Working at heights
All employees and candidates/apprentices should be trained in the correct use of ladders and to carry out safety checks on ladders and the area of work.
● Always assess the ladder prior to use to ensure that they are in correct working order and safe to use. Any faulty ladders are to be reported and remove from the working area immediately. Area of use should also be checked i.e. level ground, clean flooring.
● When possible, ask for assistance to support the ladders when using them.
● Ladders should face the work activity to be carried out.
● Only use ladders for a short period of time and only for light work.
● Staff are not to use the top two steps of the ladders.
● Do not leave the ladders unattended when open.
● All equipment is removed and replaced back safely with assistance when possible.
Working with young people
Skills4Stem Ltd ensures that so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all employees and apprentices and kept to a high standard, irrespective of age. As part of this, there are certain considerations that need to be made for young people.
This section outlines the requirements Skills4Stem have to young people and putting these requirements into practice is vital for business. Skills4Stem have possessed risk assessments throughout the business. However, due to young people lacking experience, being unaware of existing or potential risks and/or lack of maturity. We have considered the following;
● The layout of the workplace.
● The physical, biological and chemical agents they may be exposed to.
● How they will handle work equipment.
● How the work and processes are organised.
● The extent of health and safety training needed.
● Risks from particular agents, processes and work.
● The young person is beyond their physical or psychological capacity.
● Has a risk from extreme cold, heat, noise or vibration.
A person under the age of 18 should never carry out such work involving these risks, whether they are permanently employed or under training such as work experience. However, a young person can carry out working involving these risks if;
● The work is necessary for their training.
● The work is properly supervised by a competent person.
● The risks are reduced to the lowest level, so far as reasonably practicable.
The working hours for young people are not governed by Health & Safety Law. However, young people and children have different employment rights from adult workers and are subject to protections in relation to the hours they can work.
Children can only start full-time work once they have reached the minimum work leaving age (16) – they can then work up to a maximum of 40 hours per week. Once the young person reaches 18, adult employment rights and rules then apply.
Role of the employer
● All placement providers and employers of candidate/apprentices on programme with the Company must comply with HASS as defined by the Education and Skills Funding Agency, as far as is reasonably practicable.
● Employers must undertake a young person’s risk assessment for candidates/apprentices who are under 18 and share it with the student/apprentice.
● Employers must provide a thorough induction for candidate/apprentices, including health & safety and welfare.
● Candidates/apprentices must have a nominated supervisor as written in the Service Level Agreement and arrangements should be in place for cover if the supervisor is absent.
● Learners/apprentices must be provided with all required protective clothing, uniform and equipment free of charge.
● Candidates/apprentices must not be asked to operate equipment, undertake tasks or work in areas that may be deemed unsuitable for their age or level of experience.
Workplace Health & Safety Checks
● Appropriate qualified person to carry out a Health & Safety check of the workplace and complete HASS form agreeing an action plan for any improvements/changes necessary
● Where the candidate/apprentice has any special needs or other circumstances, including any disability and/or medical/health conditions – these must be considered when assessing risk
● Skills4Stem must provide a copy of the current employer’s liability insurance certificate
● Workplace to be subject to an annual health and safety visit (or sooner if there is a significant change to the workplace).
What candidates/apprentices need to do
All candidates/apprentices aboard with the Company, whether that is; work experience, traineeships or apprenticeships must have Health, Safety & Welfare training. Where appropriate, should complete a Health & Safety unit for their framework/curriculum area before or whilst in employment.
Lone Working
Lone Workers are defined by those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision, for example;
● People working from home other than in low-risk, office-type work
● People working alone for long periods
● People working on their own outside normal working hours
Working alone is not in itself against the law and it will often be safe to do so. However, the law requires employers to consider carefully, and then deal with any health and safety risks for people working alone.
Skills4Stem are responsible for the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees and apprentices, contractors or self-employed. All employees and apprentices, contractors or self-employed have responsibilities to take reasonable care of themselves and other people affected by their work activities and to cooperate with Skills4Stem meeting their legal obligations.
Skills4Stem have a duty to assess risks to lone workers and take steps to avoid or control risks where necessary. This must include:
● Involving workers when considered potential risks and measures to control them
● Taking steps to ensure risks are removed where possible, or putting in place control measures, e.g. carefully selecting work equipment to ensure the worker is able to perform the required tasks safety
● Instruction, training and supervision
● Reviewing risk assessments periodically or when there has been a significant change in the working practices.
Written by | Quality Manager | Paul Vernon |
Revision Date | 22nd March 2021 | 24th February 2022 |
Revision No. | Version 1 | Version 2 |
Approved by | ![]() S Davis CEO | ![]() A Lewis |
Date | 22nd March 2021 | 24th February 2022 |
Review date | March 2022 | February 2023 |