Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy


Skills4Stem are committed to equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender, gender reassignment, marital status (including civil partnerships), age, physical status or any disability, racial or ethnic origin, nationality, creed or religious belief, sexual orientation, age or employment status in line with the Equality Act 2010.  We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

We seek to ensure implementation of our qualifications and programmes are delivered fairly without disadvantage to any candidate/apprentice or group of candidate/apprentices.Skills4Stem are committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity throughout our team and established partners. We have an objective for a team and group of candidate/apprentices to be truly representative of all sections of society and that each colleague or candidate/apprentice feels respected and able to fulfil their individual aspirations and objectives.

All colleagues, part-time, full time or temporary, are treated fairly and with respect as well as our candidate/apprentice, and partner base. The selection process for employment, promotion, training, or any other benefit are focused purely on the individual’s aptitude and ability with colleagues helped and encouraged to develop to their full potential utilising the resources of the workforce to maximise the efficiency of the organisation.

The Skills4Stem Commitment

  • To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our colleagues are recognised and valued.
  • Every colleague and every candidate/apprentice are entitled to a working and learning environment that promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
  • Training, development, and progression opportunities are available to all colleagues and contracted trainers.
  • Equality in the workplace is good management practice and makes sound business sense.
  • We will regularly review all our employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness.
  • Skills4Stem always expects its colleagues and contractors to abide by its commitment to Equality and Diversity.
  • Breaches of our equality and diversity policy will not be tolerated. Breaches will be regarded as misconduct and could result in disciplinary proceedings for colleagues and termination of contract for contractors.
  • A key element of Skills4Stem activity is readdressing the gender balance in the STEM (Science, Technology, and Engineering & Maths) sector. Skills4Stem courses, activities and qualifications are open to all, regardless of gender. Skills4Stem courses and conferences will discuss and address discrimination faced by individuals across STEM, providing a safe and supportive environment for participants to do so.
  • This policy is fully supported by the Skills4Stem senior leadership team
  • This policy will be monitored and reviewed annually.

Policy Application

The Skills4Stem Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy extends beyond employment and internal matters and covers all activities in relation to candidates/apprentices and clients.

Internal Monitoring

Skills4Stem collects and collates all candidate/apprentice and client data – including conferences and courses, complying with Data Protection Laws and the Skills4Stem Data Protection Policy.


Skills4Stem Policies are available to all clients. Internal and External Policies and are always distributed to colleagues as part of the role induction process as well as being available on the Company website. Colleagues will not complete their probationary period without proof of understanding of this policy and the relevant legislation.

Candidates/apprentices receive notification of Skills4Stem policies on entry to courses as part of their induction.

Trainers/contractors commissioned by Skills4Stem are given copies of all policies as part of the contract process.


This policy works alongside the recruitment of colleagues, volunteers, and candidates/apprentices – see recruitment policy


Candidates/apprentices will be trained in the topics that surround equality and diversity, as well as all relevant legislation at their induction. Understanding will then be confirmed regularly through the review process, where additional learning and development opportunities can be utilised.

All Skills4Stem colleagues, volunteers and associates will also be trained in these areas with regular updates and refreshers completed.


Skills4Stem policies are reviewed on an annual basis unless there is a change in the law or a requirement to change a process at an earlier interval.

The Skills4Stem Senior Leadership Team is responsible for the annual and timely review of all internal and external policies. A full internal review takes place every January and is led by the CEO.

Any changes in relevant laws or policies along with an area requiring review are routinely addressed at Management Team monthly meetings.

All areas discussed regarding this policy or any associated incidents pertaining are kept on record and stored within the company documentation records.

Complaints or appeals are managed according to our policies in each of these areas, where more detail can be reviewed.

Access to learning facilities

Skills4Stem will only work with premises which are fully DDA compliant and always takes the range of candidate/apprentices needs into consideration when developing courses and associated activities. Candidate/apprentice’s needs are established in advance of activities commencing where possible and catered for as appropriate.

Written ByRevision DateRevision NumberApproved ByReview Date
Sarah GreenOct 20202

S Davis
Oct 2021
Darren Cass (Reviewed)Nov 20213This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is signature.jpg

S Davis
Nov 2022
Paul Vernon (Reviewed)24/2/20224This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screenshot-2022-07-19-15.07.20.png

A Lewis
February 2023