Skills4Stem are awarded the ‘Best Level 3-7 Construction and Engineering Training Providers’ of 2021!

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Skills4Stem is best described as a training provider, offering courses for adult education that specialise in construction, engineering and project management. Back in February of this year, the company participated in the third annual Education and Training Awards, run by Corporate Vision. And in June, Skills4Stem were ultimately awarded with the ‘Best Level 3 – 7 Construction and Engineering Training Provider’ as an organisation based in the East of England. We are very proud of this achievement and it continues to remind us that our hard work does not go unnoticed.

Founded in 2014, Skills4Stem’’s purpose is to ensure that our learners receive the necessary skills and knowledge to allow them to enter the construction or engineering industry. We do this by providing “flexible blending learning programmes and employment led training” . In the words of our CEO, Sarah Davis, Skills4Stem transforms traditional adult education by “delivering personalised adaptive learning programmes”. She adds that the company guarantees that the learning programmes provided to clients are relevant to the current engineering and construction workforce. Skills4Stem offers specialised learning plans so that each individual receives a tailored educational experience.

Skills4Stem not only operates in the UK, but internationally too, delivering services to clients in Europe and the United Arab Emirates, which we refer to as distance learning.

Who is Corporate Vision and what are the Education and Training Awards?

As excited as we are, this win could not have been possible without Corporate Vision and their amazing platform which aims to celebrate businesses. The Education and Training Awards were established with the purpose of acknowledging companies “who make the education of our societies their priority”. Corporate Vision have pledged to showcase organisations that “define the sector that they work in”. The Corporate Vision magazine was launched to acknowledge businesses who continue to strive despite any challenges, focusing particularly on highlighting advancements in HR, marketing and coaching.

Organisations who specialise in adult education, boarding schools and e-learning platforms are just some of the examples of organisations encouraged by the company to nominate themselves for Education and Training Awards.

The future of Skills4Stem and adult education Skills4Stem will continue to provide higher education to adults and training services for organisations. We wish to hopefully expand and begin to provide Level 6 and 7 courses – equivalent to degree level qualifications – and help individuals progress onto the next stages of their careers.

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